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Case DentalDate

SAP: Smile Arch Protection

“Orthodontics is the art of the possible” rather than “the science of the improbable”

Dr. Jensyll Rodrigues
Dr. Jensyll Rodrigues

Specialist Orthodontist

Traditional orthodontic treatment has been great at aligning the teeth and achieving a stable and functional bite. The sad truth, however, is that this doesn’t necessarily always result in a great smile. Modern orthodontics and more progressive dentist such as the team at Dentaldate, Dubai also evaluate how the teeth are framed by the lips and position the teeth such that they provide optimal lip support as well as maximizing tooth display when smiling.

In most cases, the SAP technique involves placing the brackets slightly higher than normal, the overall bracket positioning may be altered depending on your desired results and current smile. Additionally, your bite may play a role in the positioning of the brackets. For example, if you have an overbite, the position of the lower anterior and posterior brackets can be adjusted to correct the bite.

In simple terms what we try to achieve in the end of treatment is to make sure the upper smile arch follows the curvature of the lower teeth, while simultaneously enhancing facial esthetics, balance and long term stability.