At Dentaldate,Dubai we use TADs to treat patients for non-surgical correction of a gummy smile, as well as to treat and enhance other complicated malocclusions As one of the few Board-Certiforthodontists who can do so locally,
This non-surgical gummy smile correction is an excellent treatment option for patients with a gummy smile since it is a permanent solution, unlike Botox, and less invasive than surgery.
It is important to note that some patients might need gingival contouring at the end of TAD treatment. Gingival contouring is an in-office procedure that removes excess gum tissue with a dental laser to re-sculpt the gumline. There are no stitches or bleeding after the treatment when the dental professional uses a laser, and the patient can expect a fast recovery.
To know more, dont hesitate to reach out to us. We’re happy to answer any of your questions